Join a Sunday Rota
We love being together on a Sunday and you can be part of the team that enables this to happen. Lucy would love to hear from your if you would like to join any of the follow rotas:
Serving Tea & Coffee
Working the Sound Desk
Reading the Bible reading in the service
Volunteer at our Food Club
You can volunteer at our Food Hub by being part of the team on a Wednesday afternoon or picking up food on a Tuesday night from Tescos. Click here for more details.
Join the Celebration Choir
The Celebration Choir is open to all: young and old! Click here for more details.
Café Church Snacks
If you would like to provide of pay for our snacks before Café Church please speak to Lucy. You can donate £30 or buy or bake them yourself and deliver them to the Centre kitchen by 9.15am on the day.
Regular Giving
If you attend church regularly, the one of the really important ways that each of us lives our lives of faith and participates in the mission of the Church, is through the act of financial giving. If you'd like to support the work of St Andrew's you can write a cheque or make a direct bank transfer:
Account number: 02201116 Sort Code: 30-91-7 4
If you can GIFT AID your giving please complete this form and
send to our treasurer@standrews-cherryhinton.org.uk
While there is joy in the spontaneity of a one-off gift when the Spirit moves us, it is regular giving that offers a prayerful expression of faith in action. Regular giving sustains our church and helps us to plan for the future. That is why we are members of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).
The team at PGS makes it safe and easy for you to give regularly, and just as safe and easy for your church to receive. Every pound you donate can be put to Christian service in your community, free from time-consuming admin for church staff and volunteers. There’s also an option for you to increase your gift annually to keep pace with the rising cost of living, with the peace of mind that you can adjust your donation at any time if your circumstances change. If you are a UK taxpayer you can opt to add Gift Aid, increasing the value of your donation by 25%, which PGS will collect from HMRC on our behalf.
Now, with the addition of a simple and secure online process, there are three easy ways to donate to your parish through the PGS; you can set up your Direct Debit online, by telephone, or you can fill in a gift form and post it to PGS.
Donors who would like to make use of the new online service from PGS can simply visiting PGS website, find your church using the easy search tool, and follow a few simple steps to set up your donation securely.
Alternatively, you can set up your regular gift by phoning the PGS team on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9-5.
THANK YOU very much. Your gift will help to ensure that St Andrew's is able to help others for years to come.
Like most charities, St Andrew’s operates a Gift Aid scheme. Those who pay income tax may sign a declaration that what they give is gift-aided, and the income tax on that sum (basic rate - higher rate tax payers can claim back the additional tax in their annual return) is recovered by the Church. This adds 25% to the value of the gift.
There are two ways in which this is organised:
1. Regular givers through the PGS have gift aid collected by the scheme without extra administrative burden for the church.
2.Occasional or “one off” givers can put their gift in a white gift aid envelope (available in the church), filling in the necessary details on the outside, or use the form below when giving in person or via online banking.
Thank you.