
Food Hub

The Cherry Hinton Food Hub and Community Cafe is open every Wednesday from 2-4pm. All are welcome. No referral is needed and there is no charge. Please just bring a bag or two with you. If you would

like to join the wonderful team of volunteers at the Food Hub please email the

Church Office. Click here for Food Hub Facebook Page

Spring 2024 News

As some of you might have heard changes are afoot in the Cambridge Food Hub World . . .


Cambridge Food Hubs have been able to offer free food as an emergency response to the

Pandemic of 2020-2022 and then for the following two years, with funding support from

Cambridge City Council. This free emergency provision was time-limited, and its

funding is coming to an end – therefore Food Hubs across the City have been exploring

more sustainable options to continue community food initiatives in the City.


So, later this year the Cherry Hinton Food Hub will become a social supermarket so we can keep providing affordable food. Our current service will continue as it is until the social supermarket opens, which we hope will be in July.


You will need to become a member and pay a membership fee every time you shop (you don’t have to come every week). This will be between £3 (for a small shop) and £5 (for a large shop), and you'll choose around £12-20 worth of items. On top of this we hope to offer surplus food from local supermarkets. The membership fee will contribute to the running of the shop and help us keep providing a consistent range of food and household items. 


The Community Café will always be free, and you are always welcome to come along to this even if you don’t want to use the social supermarket.


We have some time until change takes place, and we are working hard to make it as smooth as possible. Please do speak to us if you have any concerns or questions.


With every blessing,


Revd Jeanine & Lucy